Taking control of your life wasn't meant to be an
easy journey...
I've certainly had a bumpy ride at times, it builds character they say; feeling tired and trapped in the wrong job, held back by self-doubt, hearing that constant nagging voice in the back of my mind telling me I just wasn't good enough to get the life I hoped for.
Do you find yourself in that miserable cycle of self-doubt, low confidence and self-esteem? If you do then your current mindset isn't serving you, and just like me you need to create a new way of thinking.
I started working with an amazing business and mindset coach, who helped me understand that the experiences and expectations in your life can sometimes hold you back in the most unexpected ways. You might know the feeling of pushing up against an invisible barrier, and how it can slowly erode away all the inspiration and energy you had at the start of the journey.
There is a way to break through it.

Working with my coach helped me reconnect with myself just as I hope I can help you reconnect with you; because once it happens, the barriers quickly start falling away and anything becomes possible.
For me that meant going back into education to study psychotherapy and coaching techniques, certifying as an NLP Mindset Coach because I knew I wanted to help someone like you have that same reconnection and breakthroughs.
You can make anything happen in your life with the right support and some self-belief; I've seen it happen time and again and I know I can help you learn to love your business, career, relationship, and life as much as I love mine today.
Learn to listen to yourself, and discover and achieve the life you really want; let's do some amazing work together.
NLP coaching puts you back in control of your life and business
I never thought that something as simple as a memory, an idea, or a word could actually hold you back in life, but sometimes a fresh perspective can amaze you.
Our mindset is programmed into us. It soaks in from our daily experiences, the people around us, and the culture we live in; all telling us how we should react or respond to the challenges we meet through life.
It's how we learn and mostly, it works very well, but our psychology can work in strange ways sometimes, and even if you have a life full of successes and positive people, just one little thing can stick in the back of your mind.
One little thing telling you that somehow, you're not good enough.
It happened to me, and I found a way to breakthrough with NLP, or neuro-linguistic programming. NLP coaching is all about providing you with a framework to identify those things, big or small, that have created the barriers you just can't get past today. It helps you to see the root of your anxieties and fears, and re-program yourself to break through them.
If you find yourself needing any of these things in your career, business, relationships or life in general;
→ Clarity of your personal values
→ The power to create the life you want
→ Setting new goals and making them real
→ Coping skills for unexpected challenges
→ Breaking boundaries to move forward
→ Stronger, happier relationships
→ Increased self-confidence and esteem
→ Improved communication skills
→ Overcoming fears and phobias
→ A mindset for creating happiness in your life
Then NLP coaching will work for you too; it helps us understand why we do things the way we do, revealing the mindset we create for ourselves from the ideas, language and behaviour we experience.
And once you understand how your mindset comes together, you can take back control of it; re-program things in a new way, break negative patterns of behaviour, and completely change your life.
NLP coaching helped me break through boundaries in my life and business, and since becoming a coach I've been fortunate to help so many different people work their way through anxieties, fears, and traumas to rebuild themselves a life they really want.
You can be one of them...

You can create the change you want through NLP coaching

From well established business owners to entrepreneurs-in-waiting, a feeling that something isn't quite right can hit anyone at anytime in their life.
Do you think you might be trapped playing things too safe? Has your business taken over or moved far away from where you hoped it would go? Are you experiencing self-doubts even with all your successes?
Eliminate your negative self-talk and perceived limitations, re-discover your core passions and learn how they can guide you past all the challenges that may come to create the fulfilling life you really want.
Certifications, Qualification, Professional Associations & Memberships
→ Certified iPEC Life Coach
→ ICF Member
→ Professional NLP, Hypnotherapy, Life Coach
→ Certified Mindset Coach
→ NLP Master Practitioner
→ ILM Professional Coaching with NLP Programme
→ Certified Gallup Strengths Coach
→ Positive Intelligence
→ The Works - Byron Katie
→ Focussed Mindfulness Methods
→ Diploma in Psychodynamic Counselling Skills (BACP approved)
→ WPF Certificate in Counselling Skills
→ ANLP Membership