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Nikki Hill - The Coach Connection Club
The Coach Connection Club
The Coach Connection Club

THE place for newly trained coaches to go from learning to doing!

A monthly membership to kick-start your coaching business, apply your coaching skills,

and call-in your perfect-fit clients.'ve qualified for your coaching certificate.

Now what?


Whether you are building your business on the side OR you've cut the strings from a previous job...this is where the rubber really meets the road.


Here's the thing about most coaching programs: they're GREAT at teaching you what it is to be a coach. BUT, putting that all together as an actual thriving business? Not so much.

If you're anything like me, before the ink even dried on that fancy certificate you probably felt a little lost.


...scouring the internet for "start your business" freebies (that, really, did you ever use them?)


...buying into any old course that promises "6-figures in 3 easy steps"


...ultimately wondering if that day job is where you really belong.


And look, I very much understand. But the truth is finding your next steps in the coaching world doesn't have to feel like a lonely slog. It can actually *gasp* be fun, rewarding, and yes lucrative!


That's more or less the reason I've created The Coach Connection Club is where new and trainee coaches and NLP coaches come together to expand their learning, gain community support, accelerate their coaching skills and feel confident about starting their own coaching business.


Our Club is about making what you’ve learned come to life and removing the feeling of what next after your training ends.

This Club supports you along the way to building an incredible thriving coaching business.  


This is your Personal and Professional Accountability Club where trainee and new coaches advance their training through practice. 

You will have the opportunity to collaborate, share ideas and learn by being both teacher and student.   

Being  a  Coach  is  all  about

↠ Taking action       

↠ Increasing skills to take your experience to the next level

↠ Learning & developing each and every day

↠ Focussed on helping others 

↠ Working daily on Self-Belief & Mindset

↠ Committed & accountable 

↠ Being part of a likeminded Community 

↠ Never giving up

Being Part of this Exclusive Club, you will

↠ Gain confidence in your own coaching ability

↠ Learn and grow as a person and professional coach

↠ Create collaborative and supportive connections

↠ Have a safe environment to experiment and practice coaching

↠ Increase your coaching practice and hours

↠ Learn and develop new skills

↠ Connect with inspirational coaches and business owners who will teach you the          how-to of running a business

↠ Go from starting your own coaching business to creating your dream business

This Club is designed to accelerate your learning and confidence as a coach through live practice with your peers, advancing your techniques through practice, being part of a great community of passionate people and mentor coaching.

Nikki Hill - The Coach Connection Club


As a Club Member you will have access to;


↠ Weekly (Monday at 7 pm) Live Coaching Practice. 

       Techniques based.

↠ Themed teaching sessions covering topics such as Starting a    

       Coaching Business, Brand and Social Media.

↠ 2 x 30 minute (per month) Mentor Coaching Sessions. 

↠ 2 x Peer Coaching Sessions (arranged with your Partner). 

       These will be scheduled at your convenience. 

       You and your Partner will rotate between Coach and Coachee. 

↠ A Private Club Facebook Group for all your questions. 


        PLUS a Personal Online Portal to log your coaching hours 

    Bonus Club Support

↠ 24/7 Private Facebook Group

↠ Unlimited email access 

The Coach Connection Club is an exclusive club of coaches who are truly committed to being part of a community and committed to doing the work it takes to experience true business growth.  That's why I have a prescreening process for anyone wanting to join.

Interested in applying?  Click the button below!

Nikki Hill - The Coach Connection Club

Join Club Members Only Facebook page

The Coach Connection Club Facebook Group

Let's connect, follow me

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